Choosing a new food service provider for the staff canteen

How a point-of-sale ( POS) scale can help your cheese shop stay profitable

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It’s a challenging retail environment for many industries. Food services, such as cheese shops, have even more pressure as excess inventory can quickly degrade and eat into your profit. Here are some ways that a point-of-sale (POS) scale can help your cheese shop stay profitable.  Speed up sales and minimise work per sale As your staff slices and weighs the cheese for each customer, then POS scale automatically calculates the cost of each piece of cheese and issues a barcode (usually on a sticky label which is attached the wrapped cheese). Read More»

Healthy Buffet Ideas For A First Birthday Party

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Whether you’re throwing a large party or organising a more intimate gathering for your baby’s first birthday, you’re likely realising there’s a lot of organisation involved to pull all the various aspects of your celebration together. Food is a focal point for all parties, but typical buffet foods, such as sausage rolls and chocolate fountains, are full of salt, sugar and unhealthy fats. So, is it possible to have your baby’s party catered buffet-style and still keep to the same healthy eating guidelines you usually implement for them? Read More»